Saturday 23 April 2011

Routine vs change

We tend to associate routine with something bad i.e. stuck in a rut. Is routine always bad though or can it be a valuable tool for change?

There is a saying that you can't kick a habit, you can only replace it. What  if a structured, organised routine is employed to change a 'bad' routine, or the absence of a routine at all (essentially spontaneity at an extreme can also be a routine in the sense it becomes a comfort zone)?

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Going mobile

We all have,haven't we?

The post pc era has us all glued at screens wherever we go. Checking Facebook while on dinner, or messing about with the iPad while watching tv. Even no screen related activities such as book reading are slowly mutating into their electronic counterparts courtesy of kindle, iPad and the likes.

Matter of fact I am typing this in my mobile while on the bus and listening to music. Focused? Probably not. Cynic or realist? Hard to tell.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Sometime advertising...

... gets it right.

You can't really argue with that.Can you?

Friday 10 April 2009

The magic 10...

10 reasons why software project fail - we have all been there, people higher up who call the final shots have also been there. But they do tend to forget...

Relationships are also affected a lot by this magic number 10 (that is if you get there - getting to 10 without involving a marriage is certainly not the usual route). How exactly? Well if everything does not go well in the following manner:

Sunday 1 March 2009

Sunday 15 February 2009

Sunday 16 November 2008

The moment...

of truth. No not the quote but the game show. Having got into it recently my confession is that yes it should be regarded as garbage at the same time though it does have a unique appeal / allure. Maybe because we are always drawn to the dark side like moths to the flame.

No there is nothing wrong with the 'dramas' of the players. People who took money from the family business, overcharged customers, had more than 10 night stands, daughters that felt sexual attraction for their mother's boyfriend, do not feel in love with their current partner, thinking of breaking up while they have a parallel illicite affair... Just ordinary people like you and me. With secrets, weaknesses, passions.

The difference being that these people who participate in the show get up on the stand knowing that they will hurt people - close people, including themselves. And for what ? Most people settle for 10.000 or 25.000 euros.

Hardly enough money to secure them financially, certainly not money to cover towards their basic needs, more likely to cover their wants. I don't feel sorry for the main players, I can't though not think about the surroudning family circle. Don't they know how it is gonna end up? Don't they have a choice? Or do they sell their collective family dignity to 'support' their son/daugher/boyfriend/girlfriend etc (and share the loot?).