Tuesday, 22 August 2006

Wedding season…

River season has a contender. Wedding season starts this weekend at Bristol. One of my best friends from uni is the first of the gang to take the plunge. Just 3 weeks after a second one – best mate really- is joining ‘that side of the river’ with me being the boatman aka best man. 3 weeks after another pal from uni is joining the club as well- this time in India. Not a best man this time, but honoured to be invited and really looking forward to the whole experience.

Midweek Clubbing…

Good in theory, even better in practise –especially with a block of eastern Europe birds celebrating birthdays-. The problem ? The day after at … work. Physically you are there – mentally you are … sleepwalking :(

Walking the line…

It is amazing what might be around the corner from the place one has been passing by every day and maybe never realize. I was shown recently that one of the canals in London happens to pass by literally a block from the area of City University where I am based. This weekend, being in another area of London where I hang out occasionally (Sundays for live music concerts mostly), Camden town I followed the paths by the canal and discovered a very impressive root, crossing the London zoo and ending up in virtually the city centre. Further walking along the packed with tourists on a shopping spree central streets, and then the world cup final. Day well spent.

Monday, 21 August 2006

Following the water …

The place ? The London canals (northern section this time)

Time ? noon to midnight. Ok noon to around 15:00 was spent over emails/surfing/coffee. The canal tour started afterwards and lasted till 10ish. It must have been 20ish kilometres. Outcome of the day: A great walk and a not so bad book “Map Of Bones” finished. Cost: 2 pizzas to top up energy at 10ish pm.

It must be the season…

River season that is. After all these walks and explorations of the London waterways – a rather comprehensive leaflet named “Explore the Thames and its waterways” made its way into my hand. It is full of information and great maps. Seems like the exploration season will continue for a while…

Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Testing Windows Live Writer

So far so good.This nifty application seems to do the trick.. It might be exactly what I need to finally upload all this backload of entries I have in text files..