Thursday, 12 July 2007


the past. Who said that travelling back in time is not possible? No I can't go back to school - they wouldn't have me, but I can discover deep almost forgotten memories , let alone discover now 10-20 years later things I have missed baaack then.

Latest such discovery: Kim Wilde. Not bad for her kind of music - not my cup of tea or to quote a friend 'I would listen to it, but I would not buy it' (see economics).

Obvious 80s influence, but it is impressive: which of the today's pop-divas will be issuing albums 25 years from now? We shall see..

The World politics...

in a picture worth of a billion rather than the usual thousand words.


Thursday, 5 July 2007


in an imperfect world. That is really what economics are.

Yes there are truck loads of definitions, works etc. but based on a couple of books and certain discussions with friends it sinks in more and more.

The world is imperfect and it has to be - nothing in the universe is. Just physics...

Therefore economics which are based on scarcity - take scarcity away and there are no economic problems (well maybe overpopulation)- will be imperfect as well.

And who needs perfection ? No one really - the key is reaching a state where one can say good enough.That sounds plausible. If only it wasn't as possible as someone catching their shadow...