Saturday 23 April 2011

Routine vs change

We tend to associate routine with something bad i.e. stuck in a rut. Is routine always bad though or can it be a valuable tool for change?

There is a saying that you can't kick a habit, you can only replace it. What  if a structured, organised routine is employed to change a 'bad' routine, or the absence of a routine at all (essentially spontaneity at an extreme can also be a routine in the sense it becomes a comfort zone)?

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Going mobile

We all have,haven't we?

The post pc era has us all glued at screens wherever we go. Checking Facebook while on dinner, or messing about with the iPad while watching tv. Even no screen related activities such as book reading are slowly mutating into their electronic counterparts courtesy of kindle, iPad and the likes.

Matter of fact I am typing this in my mobile while on the bus and listening to music. Focused? Probably not. Cynic or realist? Hard to tell.